Saturday, 20 September 2014

What Is This Place?

Welcome to Other Scott's TV Blog!

For today, this is going to be the location where I dump some Season 1 episode by episode Breaking Bad reviews. The plan is to see what sort of reception I get to them before moving on to other seasons. It's quite a bit of work, so I don't want to jump into it without knowing that at least a few people are willing to read them.

In more general terms, I've thought of getting something together to post my thoughts for a while now. For me, writing things down is a good way to collect my thoughts on things. For the most part, if a show is interesting to me I'll usually do season retrospectives. It will mostly be for current shows, but there may be some old shows on there. Be warned, I move through old shows extremely slowly. So if I post on Sopranos Season 5 next week, you may be waiting a while to hear anything on season 6.

I may also do short bullet point posts on shows currently airing while in season. For instance, my first non Breaking Bad post will probably be Tuesday, where I'll sum up the series premiere of Gotham and the 2nd season premiere of Sleepy Hollow.

There may be other stuff too, even non TV related. I don't expect you'll see much about movies here, as I typically don't have much to say about them. There may be occasional sports posts where I get angry at the hive mind of the media. There may also be posts on religion, so be warned about that.

So, since I'm not sure how to work this blogger thing, this will probably be the last post you read. So, where I would normally say "Hope you enjoy my Breaking Bad reviews" I'll say, "Hope you enjoyed my Breaking Bad reviews!"


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